Modern 3 Syllable Boy Names – Perfect Choices for Your Baby Boy

See the list of modern 3 syllable boy names for your baby. Our curated list features unique, meaningful, and easy-to-pronounce names. Start your baby name journey today!

3 syllable boy names are the perfect balance of style and ease of use. These names are commonly selected because they are easy to pronounce and have a pleasant rhythm. Their balanced length, which keeps them from being either too short or too convoluted, makes them memorable and distinctive.

3 syllable male names are popular among parents because they have a nice rhythm. These names’ musical, natural sounds can be both soft and powerful due to their structure. Speaking the entire name aloud, including the last name, might make this rhythm more enticing.

Further more, 3 syllable boy names frequently feel both contemporary and novel, with a hint of tradition and seriousness. They can combine elements of modern design with cultural history, providing the best of both worlds. Three-syllable boy names are a classic choice for many families, whether they are based on traditional or contemporary styles.

This is a perfect list for parents who choose a three syllable names or two syllable names. They are investing in a significant and catchy name that will give their child a unique identity that will last.

List of 100 Modern 3 Syllable Boy Names

Serial NumberNameMeaningGenderOrigin
1AdrianFrom the Adriatic Sea regionMaleLatin
2BenjaminSon of the right handMaleHebrew
3CameronCrooked noseMaleScottish
4DominicBelonging to the LordMaleLatin
5ElijahMy God is YahwehMaleHebrew
6FabianBean growerMaleLatin
7GabrielGod is my strengthMaleHebrew
8HarrisonSon of HarryMaleEnglish
9IsaiahSalvation of the LordMaleHebrew
10JulianYouthful, downyMaleLatin
11KennethBorn of fireMaleScottish
12LeonardBrave lionMaleGerman
13MalcolmDevotee of Saint ColumbaMaleScottish
14NathanielGift of GodMaleHebrew
15OliverOlive treeMaleLatin
18RaphaelGod has healedMaleHebrew
19SamuelGod has heardMaleHebrew
20TheodoreGift of GodMaleGreek
21UriahGod is my lightMaleHebrew
23WesleyWestern meadowMaleEnglish
24XavierBright, splendidMaleBasque
25ZacharyThe Lord has rememberedMaleHebrew
26AdrianFrom Hadria, a town in northern ItalyMaleLatin
28AtticusMan of AtticaMaleGreek
29BrandonBeacon hillMaleEnglish
30DamianTo tame, subdueMaleGreek
31EverettBrave as a wild boarMaleEnglish
32FrancisFree manMaleLatin
33GideonHewer, one who cuts treesMaleHebrew
34GregoryVigilant, watchfulMaleGreek
35HarveyBattle worthyMaleFrench
36IsaiahSalvation of the LordMaleHebrew
37JeremyGod will upliftMaleHebrew
39LeanderLion manMaleGreek
40MatthiasGift of GodMaleHebrew
41OrlandoFamous landMaleItalian
42PercivalPierce the valeMaleFrench
43RoderickFamous rulerMaleGerman
44SebastianVenerable, reveredMaleGreek
46ThaddeusGift of GodMaleAramaic
49ValentinStrong, healthyMaleLatin
50WallaceWelshman, foreignerMaleScottish
51XerxesHero among heroesMalePersian
52ZebulonExalted, honoredMaleHebrew
53AlistairDefender of the peopleMaleScottish
54BeckettBeehive, little brookMaleEnglish
56DorianOf Doris, a district of GreeceMaleGreek
57EdisonSon of EdwardMaleEnglish
58FinneganFair, whiteMaleIrish
59GarrisonSon of GarretMaleEnglish
60HendrixSon of HendrickMaleGerman
61IgnatiusFiery oneMaleLatin
62JeffersonSon of JeffreyMaleEnglish
63KendrickRoyal rulerMaleScottish
64LeonidasSon of a lionMaleGreek
65MaverickIndependent, nonconformistMaleAmerican
66NicholasVictory of the peopleMaleGreek
67OrionRising in the sky, constellationMaleGreek
69QuincyFifth sonMaleLatin
70RemingtonFrom the raven’s estateMaleEnglish
71SantiagoSaint JamesMaleSpanish
72TennysonSon of DennisMaleEnglish
73UlrichProsperity and powerMaleGerman
74VladimirFamous rulerMaleSlavic
75WinstonJoyful stoneMaleEnglish
76YannickGod is graciousMaleFrench
77ZachariasGod has rememberedMaleHebrew
78AbrahamFather of multitudesMaleHebrew
80CasimirProclaimer of peaceMaleSlavic
81DonovanDark warriorMaleIrish
82EllisonSon of EllisMaleEnglish
83FrederickPeaceful rulerMaleGerman
84GideonHewer, one who cuts treesMaleHebrew
85HarrisonSon of HarryMaleEnglish
86IgnatiusFiery oneMaleLatin
88KennethBorn of fireMaleScottish
89LeonardBrave lionMaleGerman
90MalcolmDevotee of Saint ColumbaMaleScottish
91NathanielGift of GodMaleHebrew
92OrlandoFamous landMaleItalian
93PercivalPierce the valeMaleFrench
94RaphaelGod has healedMaleHebrew
95SebastianVenerable, reveredMaleGreek
96TheodoreGift of GodMaleGreek
97UriahGod is my lightMaleHebrew
99WilliamResolute protectorMaleGerman
100ZacharyThe Lord has rememberedMaleHebrew


Q. Which are the most unique and stylish 3 syllable boy names?

The most unique and stylish 3 syllable boy names are:
Adrian: which means “From the Adriatic Sea region”
Cameron: which means “Crooked nose”
Malcolm: which means “Devotee of Saint Columba”
Kendrick: which means “Royal ruler”

Q. Which are the most trending Three-syllable boy names?

The most trending Three-syllable boy names are:
Fabian: which means “Bean grower”
Harrison: which means “Son of Harry”
Maverick: which means “Independent, nonconformist”
Damian: which means “To tame, subdue”

Q. What does the “Raphael” name mean?

The “Raphael” name means “God has healed”

Q. What does the “Abraham” name mean?

The “Abraham” name means “Father of multitudes”

Q. What does the “Matthias” name mean?

The “Matthias” name means “Gift of God”

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