K Letter Names for Girl in Telugu – Trending names for 2024

Beautiful K letter names for girl in Telugu. Find unique, traditional, and meaningful baby names starting with K for 2024, perfect for your little one.

In Telugu, naming a daughter is a deeply held custom that reflects both personal and cultural significance. In Telugu names, the letter ‘K’ has a specific place and presents a variety of lovely and significant alternatives. Names starting with ‘K’ letter are generally associated with grace, beauty, and strength—qualities that parents aspire for in their daughters.

Names serve as both identities and carriers of blessings and ambitions in Telugu culture. Baby girl names starting with ‘k’ are especially appealing because of their melodic sound, which blends well with the Telugu language’s rhythmic structure. These names have a strong cultural resonance, regardless of their origins in mythology, the natural world, or virtues.

When choosing K letter names for girl in Telugu, parents take great care to make sure they align with both astrological and familial customs. This deliberate procedure emphasises how names influence identity and fate, making the quest for the ideal ‘K’ letter names in Telugu for girls a significant adventure.

List of K Letter Names for Girl in Telugu

Serial NumberNameMeaningGenderOrigin
1KalyaniAuspicious, blessed, happyFemaleTelugu
2KamalaLotus, a flower symbolizing purityFemaleTelugu
3KavyaPoetry, a form of literary artFemaleTelugu
4KirtiFame, glory, renownFemaleTelugu
5KusumaFlower, blossomed, beautyFemaleTelugu
6KanchanaGold, a precious metalFemaleTelugu
7KokilaCuckoo bird, known for its melodious callFemaleTelugu
8KumariPrincess, unmarried girlFemaleTelugu
9KrupaGrace, kindness, compassionFemaleTelugu
10KrishnaLord Krishna, a deity in HinduismFemaleTelugu
11KalpanaImagination, creativity, fantasyFemaleTelugu
12KumudaLotus, joy of the earthFemaleTelugu
13KeerthanaSong, hymn, a form of musical worshipFemaleTelugu
14KaminiDesirable, beautiful womanFemaleTelugu
15KairaviMoonlight, radiance of the moonFemaleTelugu
16KritikaWell starred, one of the PleiadesFemaleTelugu
17KamithaDesired, wished forFemaleTelugu
18KarishmaMiracle, gift, favorFemaleTelugu
19KalindiYamuna River, daughter of the sunFemaleTelugu
20KalyanaMarriage, auspicious eventFemaleTelugu
21KavithaPoetry, a form of literatureFemaleTelugu
22KalaArt, talent, timeFemaleTelugu
23KaveriA sacred river in IndiaFemaleTelugu
24KalpithaImagined, createdFemaleTelugu
25KavishaPoetess, creative writerFemaleTelugu
26KanishkaSmall, gold, an ancient kingFemaleTelugu
27KaviniPoetess, one who composes poetryFemaleTelugu
28KshamaForgiveness, patienceFemaleTelugu
29KavanaPoem, poeticFemaleTelugu
30KshanikaMomentary, transientFemaleTelugu
31KumudiniLotus, a flower that blooms at nightFemaleTelugu
32KaushalyaSkilled, proficient, mother of Lord RamaFemaleTelugu
33KovidaWise, knowledgeableFemaleTelugu
34KshirjaGoddess Lakshmi, born of milkFemaleTelugu
35KalavathiGoddess of arts, skilled in fine artsFemaleTelugu
36KaamyaBeautiful, desirable, attractiveFemaleTelugu
37KshamaForgiveness, patienceFemaleTelugu
38KumudLotus, joy of the earthFemaleTelugu
39KaliniFlower, artistic, creativeFemaleTelugu
40KankanaBangle, braceletFemaleTelugu
41KathikaOne who bestows happinessFemaleTelugu
42KritikaWell starred, one of the PleiadesFemaleTelugu
43KrishnaveniRiver, a sacred water bodyFemaleTelugu
44KundiniWith beautiful lotusesFemaleTelugu
45KomalaDelicate, tenderFemaleTelugu
46KavanaPoem, poeticFemaleTelugu
47KritiCreation, work of artFemaleTelugu
48KrutiCreation, work of artFemaleTelugu
49KuntalaWith beautiful hairFemaleTelugu
50KalaraniQueen of artsFemaleTelugu
51KamalaLotus, a flower symbolizing purityFemaleTelugu
52KritiCreation, work of artFemaleTelugu
53KavithaPoetry, a form of literatureFemaleTelugu
54KusumaFlower, blossomed, beautyFemaleTelugu
55KeerthanaSong, hymn, a form of musical worshipFemaleTelugu
56KalpanaImagination, creativity, fantasyFemaleTelugu
57KumariPrincess, unmarried girlFemaleTelugu
58KrupaGrace, kindness, compassionFemaleTelugu
59KrishnaLord Krishna, a deity in HinduismFemaleTelugu
60KirtiFame, glory, renownFemaleTelugu
61KalyaniAuspicious, blessed, happyFemaleTelugu
62KamalaLotus, a flower symbolizing purityFemaleTelugu
63KavyaPoetry, a form of literary artFemaleTelugu
64KusumaFlower, blossomed, beautyFemaleTelugu
65KanchanaGold, a precious metalFemaleTelugu
66KokilaCuckoo bird, known for its melodious callFemaleTelugu
67KumariPrincess, unmarried girlFemaleTelugu
68KrupaGrace, kindness, compassionFemaleTelugu
69KrishnaLord Krishna, a deity in HinduismFemaleTelugu
70KalpanaImagination, creativity, fantasyFemaleTelugu
71KumudaLotus, joy of the earthFemaleTelugu
72KeerthanaSong, hymn, a form of musical worshipFemaleTelugu
73KaminiDesirable, beautiful womanFemaleTelugu
74KairaviMoonlight, radiance of the moonFemaleTelugu
75KritikaWell starred, one of the PleiadesFemaleTelugu
76KamithaDesired, wished forFemaleTelugu
77KarishmaMiracle, gift, favorFemaleTelugu
78KalindiYamuna River, daughter of the sunFemaleTelugu
79KalyanaMarriage, auspicious eventFemaleTelugu
80KavithaPoetry, a form of literatureFemaleTelugu
81KalaArt, talent, timeFemaleTelugu
82KaveriA sacred river in IndiaFemaleTelugu
83KalpithaImagined, createdFemaleTelugu
84KavishaPoetess, creative writerFemaleTelugu
85KanishkaSmall, gold, an ancient kingFemaleTelugu
86KaviniPoetess, one who composes poetryFemaleTelugu
87KshamaForgiveness, patienceFemaleTelugu
88KavanaPoem, poeticFemaleTelugu
89KshanikaMomentary, transientFemaleTelugu
90KumudiniLotus, a flower that blooms at nightFemaleTelugu
91KaushalyaSkilled, proficient, mother of Lord RamaFemaleTelugu
92KovidaWise, knowledgeableFemaleTelugu
93KshirjaGoddess Lakshmi, born of milkFemaleTelugu
94KalavathiGoddess of arts, skilled in fine artsFemaleTelugu
95KaamyaBeautiful, desirable, attractiveFemaleTelugu
96KshamaForgiveness, patienceFemaleTelugu
97KumudLotus, joy of the earthFemaleTelugu
98KaliniFlower, artistic, creativeFemaleTelugu
99KankanaBangle, braceletFemaleTelugu
100KathikaOne who bestows happinessFemaleTelugu


Which are the most trending K letter names for girl in Telugu?

The most trending K letter names for girl in Telugu are:
Kriti: which means “Creation, work of art”
Kavya: which means “Poetry, a form of literary art”
Kanishka: which means “Small, gold, an ancient king”
Kaamya: which means “Beautiful, desirable, attractive”

Q. What does the “Kaushalya” name mean?

The “Kaushalya” name means “Skilled, proficient, mother of Lord Rama”

Q. What does the “Kavitha” name mean?

The “Kavitha” name means “Poetry, a form of literature”

Q. What does the “Karishma” name mean?

The “Karishma” name means “Miracle, gift, favor”

Q. Which is the most common K letter names for girl in Telugu?

The most common K letter names for girl in Telugu are:
Kaveri: which means “A sacred river in India”
Kavisha: which means “Poetess, creative writer”

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