Charming Lebanese Baby Names: Traditional and Modern Name for 2024

Here is the list of 2024’s top Lebanese baby names, from traditional to modern name ideas. Find the perfect names with their meanings for your new member.

Lebanese baby names sounds very nice. Lebanese names are beautiful because they come from a mix of Phoenician, Arabic, French, and Ottoman styles. You can hear this in the way they sound and what they mean. People in Lebanon use and choose Lebanese names for their children because they are beautiful and have very nice meanings. Not only are these names beautiful, but they also mean different things. Most of the time, they have something to do with nature and can mean strength, knowledge, or many other things.

There is also a lot of cultural meaning behind these Lebanese baby names. This is what makes Lebanese names unusual and appealing to people who like a mix of old and new. In recent years, people all over the world have become more interested in Lebanese baby names. Lebanese baby names are a fun way to learn about a rich culture history, whether you like them because they sound poetic or because they have a lot of history behind them.

With all these things in mind, our experts have prepared this list of Lebanese baby names, a mix of all these things. We have divided this list into two parts: I have 50 Lebanese baby names for boys and 50 for girls. Let’s look at this list and give your baby a unique identity by adding a taste of the Lebanese region.

List of 50 Lebanese Names for Boys

S.No.NameMeaning (50 words)GenderOrigin
1AdamFirst man created by God, red earthMaleLebanese
2AdnanSettler, one who staysMaleLebanese
3AhmadHighly praised, one who constantly thanks GodMaleLebanese
4AminTrustworthy, faithful, honestMaleLebanese
5AmirPrince, commanderMaleLebanese
6AnwarRadiant, luminousMaleLebanese
7BashirBringer of good newsMaleLebanese
8BilalMoistening, water, the name of the first muezzinMaleLebanese
9FadiSavior, one who sacrifices himself to rescue othersMaleLebanese
10FaisalArbiter, decisiveMaleLebanese
11FaridUnique, incomparableMaleLebanese
12GhassanYouthful, freshMaleLebanese
13HadiGuide, leaderMaleLebanese
14HakimWise, judiciousMaleLebanese
15HassanHandsome, goodMaleLebanese
16HusseinBeautiful, small beautyMaleLebanese
17IbrahimFather of many, Arabic form of AbrahamMaleLebanese
18JadGenerous, seriousMaleLebanese
19JamilBeautiful, handsomeMaleLebanese
20KamalPerfection, completenessMaleLebanese
21KarimGenerous, nobleMaleLebanese
22KhalidEverlasting, eternalMaleLebanese
24MahmoudPraised, commendableMaleLebanese
25MalikKing, sovereignMaleLebanese
26MarwanFlint stone, strongMaleLebanese
27MazenRain clouds, proper nameMaleLebanese
28MustafaChosen, selectedMaleLebanese
29NaderRare, preciousMaleLebanese
30NassifJust, fair, equitableMaleLebanese
31NizarLittle, rareMaleLebanese
32NoorLight, radianceMaleLebanese
33OmarFlourishing, lifeMaleLebanese
34RamiArcher, lovingMaleLebanese
35RashidRightly guided, wiseMaleLebanese
36RayanWatered, luxuriantMaleLebanese
37RiadGardens, meadowsMaleLebanese
38SaadHappiness, felicityMaleLebanese
39SalimSafe, sound, wholeMaleLebanese
40SamirEntertaining companion, jovialMaleLebanese
41TariqMorning star, he who knocks at the doorMaleLebanese
42WaleedNewborn, babyMaleLebanese
43YahyaAlive, livingMaleLebanese
44YoussefGod increases, Arabic form of JosephMaleLebanese
45ZaidGrowth, abundanceMaleLebanese
46ZaynBeauty, graceMaleLebanese
47ZakariaGod remembersMaleLebanese
48ZakiPious, pureMaleLebanese
49ZaydTo prosper, to increaseMaleLebanese
50ZeinAdornment, beautyMaleLebanese
50 Lebanese Names for Girls

List of 50 Lebanese Names for Girls

S.No.NameMeaning (50 words)GenderOrigin
1AaliyahExalted, noble, sublimeFemaleLebanese
2AdiraStrong, powerfulFemaleLebanese
3AhlamDreams, aspirationsFemaleLebanese
4AliaHigh, lofty, sublimeFemaleLebanese
5AmalHope, aspirationFemaleLebanese
6AminaTrustworthy, faithfulFemaleLebanese
7AnisaFriendly, companionableFemaleLebanese
8AsmaExalted, loftyFemaleLebanese
9AyaSign, miracle, verseFemaleLebanese
10AyeshaAlive, living, prosperousFemaleLebanese
11BasmaSmile, sweet smileFemaleLebanese
12DalalCoquettish, charmingFemaleLebanese
13ElhamInspiration, museFemaleLebanese
14FarahJoy, happiness, delightFemaleLebanese
15FayruzTurquoise, precious stoneFemaleLebanese
16GhadaGraceful, delicateFemaleLebanese
17HalaAura, halo around the moonFemaleLebanese
18HanaBliss, happiness, flowerFemaleLebanese
19HaninLonging, yearning, tendernessFemaleLebanese
20ImanFaith, beliefFemaleLebanese
21JanaHarvest, paradiseFemaleLebanese
22JasmineJasmine flower, fragrant flowerFemaleLebanese
23JumanaSilver pearlFemaleLebanese
24KarimaGenerous, nobleFemaleLebanese
25KawtharRiver in paradise, abundanceFemaleLebanese
26LamaDark lips, darkness of lipsFemaleLebanese
27LaylaNight, intoxicationFemaleLebanese
28LinaTender, delicateFemaleLebanese
29LubnaTree with aromatic resin, storax treeFemaleLebanese
30MahaBeautiful eyes, wild cowFemaleLebanese
31MalakAngel, messengerFemaleLebanese
32MarwaFlint stone, name of a sacred hillFemaleLebanese
33MayaIllusion, waterFemaleLebanese
34MaysoonBeautiful face and body, walking with prideFemaleLebanese
35NadaDew, generosityFemaleLebanese
36NadiaDelicate, tenderFemaleLebanese
37NasreenWild rose, sweetbrierFemaleLebanese
38NawalGift, presentFemaleLebanese
39RaniaGazing, looking atFemaleLebanese
40ReemWhite gazelle, antelopeFemaleLebanese
41RimaWhite antelope, white deerFemaleLebanese
42RubaHills, highlandsFemaleLebanese
43SaharDawn, early morningFemaleLebanese
44SawsanLily of the valley, beautiful flowerFemaleLebanese
45SihamArrows, pointed objectsFemaleLebanese
46SirinGlittering, radiantFemaleLebanese
47SumayaHigh above, exaltedFemaleLebanese
48TalaYoung palm tree, small palmFemaleLebanese
49WardaRose, flowerFemaleLebanese
50YasminaJasmine flower, fragrant flowerFemaleLebanese


Q. Which are the most unique and stylish Lebanese Names for boys?

The most unique and stylish Lebanese Names for boys are:
Adnan: which means “Settler, one who stays”
Bilal: which means “Moistening, water, the name of the first muezzin”
Hassan: which means “Handsome, good”
Mustafa: which means “Chosen, selected”

Q. Which are the most unique and stylish Lebanese Names for girls?

The most unique and stylish Lebanese Names for girls are:
Aaliyah: which means “Exalted, noble, sublime”
Farah: which means “Joy, happiness, delight”
Hala: which means “Aura, halo around the moon”
Lubna: which means “Tree with aromatic resin, storax tree”

Q. What does the “Ahmad” name mean?

The “Ahmad” name means “Highly praised, one who constantly thanks God”

Q. Which is the most common Lebanese baby names?

The most common Lebanese baby names are:
Samir: which means “Entertaining companion, jovial”
Maha: which means “Beautiful eyes, wild cow”
Sumaya: which means “High above, exalted”
Rayan: which means “Watered, luxuriant”

Q. What does the “Ahlam” name mean?

The “Ahlam” name means “Dreams, aspirations”

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