A to Z Baby Names in Telugu: Find the Perfect Name for Your Child in 2024

Find the perfect A to Z baby name in Telugu. Explore a list of unique and traditional names for boys and girls, complete with meanings and origins. Start your search now!

Are you searching for the perfect A to Z baby names in Telugu? Look no further! Telugu names are rich in culture and meaning, providing a beautiful start for your child’s life. From “Aditya” to “Zara,” each name is steeped in tradition and significance. Explore a variety of options like “Ananya,” symbolizing uniqueness, or “Tarun,” meaning youth. Telugu names combine style and tradition to give your child a name that is proud of its past. Find the perfect Telugu baby boy or Telugu baby girl names that align with the beliefs and customs of your family by starting your search now.

List of A to Z Baby Names in Telugu

Serial NumberNameMeaningGenderOrigin
1AnayaCaring, compassionate, superior, inexhaustibleFemaleTelugu
2BhargavRadiant, splendorous, another name for Lord ShivaMaleTelugu
3ChandanaSandalwood, soothing, fragrantFemaleTelugu
4DhruvImmovable, steady, constant, a starMaleTelugu
5EshitaDesired, one who desires, goodnessFemaleTelugu
6FalguniBeautiful, a name associated with the month of Phalguna in Hindu calendarFemaleTelugu
7GauravHonor, pride, respectMaleTelugu
8HariniDeer, nature-loving, angelFemaleTelugu
9IshaanLord Shiva, ruler, light, wealthyMaleTelugu
10JanakiGoddess Sita, daughter of JanakaFemaleTelugu
11KarthikA Hindu month, also refers to Lord MuruganMaleTelugu
12LavanyaGrace, beauty, eleganceFemaleTelugu
13MadhavAnother name for Lord Krishna, sweet like honeyMaleTelugu
14NavyaYoung, new, praise-worthyFemaleTelugu
15OmkarSacred syllable Om, divine soundMaleTelugu
16PallaviNew leaves, blossoming, new growthFemaleTelugu
17QuasarBright celestial object emitting massive energyUnisexTelugu
18RaviSun, enlightening, brightMaleTelugu
19SaanviGoddess Lakshmi, knowledgeableFemaleTelugu
20TejasBrilliance, sharpness, luminosityMaleTelugu
21UdayaDawn, rise, emergenceMaleTelugu
22VaniGoddess Saraswati, speech, eloquentFemaleTelugu
23WarunLord of the sea, ocean, waterMaleTelugu
24XaraPrincess, flower, beautifulFemaleTelugu
25YashFame, glory, successMaleTelugu
26ZaraPrincess, flower, radianceFemaleTelugu
27AdityaSun, beginning, lightMaleTelugu
28BhuvanEarth, one of the three worldsMaleTelugu
29CharanFeet, Lord Vishnu’s feetMaleTelugu
30DivyaDivine, heavenly, brilliantFemaleTelugu
31EshaDesire, wish, purityFemaleTelugu
32FerozaTurquoise, a precious stoneFemaleTelugu
33GitaSacred song, Bhagavad GitaFemaleTelugu
34HemanthGold, early winterMaleTelugu
35IndiraGoddess Lakshmi, splendidFemaleTelugu
36JayanthVictorious, triumphantMaleTelugu
37KavyaPoem, poetry, intelligentFemaleTelugu
38LakshmanAuspicious, brother of Lord RamaMaleTelugu
39ManishaWisdom, intellect, desireFemaleTelugu
40NiharikaDew drops, nebula, mistFemaleTelugu
41OmprakashLight of Om, divine lightMaleTelugu
42PranaviGoddess Parvati, sacred syllable OmFemaleTelugu
43RaghavDescendant of Raghu, Lord RamaMaleTelugu
44SindhuOcean, river, Indus RiverFemaleTelugu
45TarunYoung, youth, tenderMaleTelugu
46UshaDawn, sunrise, morningFemaleTelugu
47VenkataLord Venkateswara, the one who removes sinsMaleTelugu
48YaminiNight, nocturnalFemaleTelugu
49ZainBeauty, grace, excellenceMaleTelugu
50AkhilComplete, whole, universalMaleTelugu
51BhavanaEmotions, feelings, meditationFemaleTelugu
52ChaitanyaConsciousness, life force, intelligenceMaleTelugu
53DeepikaLamp, light, illuminatingFemaleTelugu
54EkantaSolitude, peaceMaleTelugu
55FarahJoy, happinessFemaleTelugu
56GopalProtector of cows, Lord KrishnaMaleTelugu
57HemaGolden, preciousFemaleTelugu
58IshanviGoddess Parvati, knowledgeFemaleTelugu
59JithinWinner, conquerorMaleTelugu
60KiranRay of light, beamUnisexTelugu
61LataCreeper, vine, tenderFemaleTelugu
62MaheshGreat ruler, another name for Lord ShivaMaleTelugu
63NithyaEternal, everlastingFemaleTelugu
64OmanaTender, divineFemaleTelugu
65PraveenSkilled, proficient, expertMaleTelugu
66RadhaSuccess, prosperity, beloved of Lord KrishnaFemaleTelugu
67SarathAutumn, a seasonMaleTelugu
68TanviDelicate, beautifulFemaleTelugu
69UrmilaEnchantress, wife of LakshmanaFemaleTelugu
70VarunLord of the waters, intelligentMaleTelugu
71YuvrajPrince, heir to the throneMaleTelugu
72ZeenaBeautiful, welcoming, hospitableFemaleTelugu
73AaradhyaWorshipped, blessed, reveredFemaleTelugu
74BalaYoung, childlike, powerfulMaleTelugu
75ChandrashekarMoon-crested, Lord ShivaMaleTelugu
76DeepaliRow of lamps, brightnessFemaleTelugu
77EeshaGoddess Parvati, purityFemaleTelugu
78FarzanaIntelligent, wise, learnedFemaleTelugu
79GajendraKing of elephants, strongMaleTelugu
80HarshaJoy, happiness, delightUnisexTelugu
81IshaGoddess Durga, ruling, supremeFemaleTelugu
82JayaVictory, triumph, conquestFemaleTelugu
83KeshavLord Krishna, having long hairMaleTelugu
84LalithaBeautiful, elegant, playfulFemaleTelugu
85MukundAnother name for Lord Vishnu, liberatorMaleTelugu
86NeelimaBlue, sapphire, a precious stoneFemaleTelugu
87OjasStrength, energy, brillianceMaleTelugu
88PadmaLotus, Goddess LakshmiFemaleTelugu
89RohanAscending, growing, healingMaleTelugu
90SnehaLove, affection, friendshipFemaleTelugu
91TariniGoddess Durga, savior, liberatorFemaleTelugu
92UmaGoddess Parvati, tranquilityFemaleTelugu
93VijayVictory, conquestMaleTelugu
94WamanShort, one of the avatars of Lord VishnuMaleTelugu
95YamiGoddess of the Yamuna river, twin sister of YamaFemaleTelugu
96ZahiraShining, luminousFemaleTelugu
97AhalyaA woman created by Lord Brahma, wife of sage Gautama, pureFemaleTelugu
98BalajiAnother name for Lord Venkateswara, strongMaleTelugu
99ChandraMoon, shining, illustriousUnisexTelugu
100DevikaLittle goddess, minor deity, mother of KrishnaFemaleTelugu


Q. Which is the most famous name in Telugu?

Names like “Aditya,” “Zara,” “Ananya,” and “Tarun” are the most famous and traditional names in Telugu.

Q. What does the name “Tarun” mean?

The “Tarun” name means “young, youth, tender.”

Q. What does the “Zara” name mean?

The “Zara” name means “Princess, flower, radiance.”

Q. Which is the most common name in Telugu?

The most common name in Telugu is “Ananya,” which means “caring, compassionate, superior, inexhaustible.”

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