100 Unique Names That Mean Death or Darkness

Explore a list of names that mean death and uncover their fascinating origins. Perfect for those seeking names with a dark and mysterious significance.

Names That Mean Death: Exploring the Choices and Significance

For millennia, people in many cultures and groups have been captivated by names that have a negative connotation or are linked to death. Though it may sound macabre, there are important factors, such as cultural importance or personal convictions, that influence people’s and parents’ decision to give their children such names.

Cultural and Legendary Importance Names That Mean Death or Darkness

Many cultures view names connected to death as symbols of protection, power, or transition rather than as portentous. These names are frequently connected in mythology to gods, spirits, or heroes who have a link to the afterlife. For instance, in ancient customs, names of death-related deities were selected to commemorate the life-death cycle or to evoke protection.

Significance and Individual Views of Name That Means Death

Death-related names might represent embracing the transience of life. Some people view this acceptance as a potent declaration of fortitude and comprehension. Selecting a name with such a deep significance might serve as a means of paying tribute to departed family members or as a reflection of a strong philosophical stance regarding life and death.

List of Names That Mean Death or Darkness

Serial NumberNameMeaningGenderOrigin
1AchlysPersonification of misery and sadness, associated with the mist of deathFemaleGreek
2AdrienneDark one, symbolizing darkness and shadowFemaleFrench
3Aka ManahSpirit of evil mind, darkness and deathMalePersian
4AzraelAngel of death, one who helps souls transition to the afterlifeMaleHebrew
5BaciaFamily death place, symbolizing deathFemaleAfrican
6BelaWhite or dark, implying darknessMaleHebrew
7CarausioDarkness, linked to the underworldMaleLatin
8CharonFerryman of the dead in the underworldMaleGreek
9DarayDark, symbolizes darknessUnisexPersian
10DevlinFierce courage, often associated with darknessMaleIrish
11DravenChild of the shadows, darknessMaleEnglish
12GethinDark-skinned, darkMaleWelsh
13HadesGod of the underworld, associated with deathMaleGreek
14KageShadow, symbolizing darknessMaleJapanese
15KeketGoddess of darkness, personification of the nightFemaleEgyptian
16KeirDark-skinned, darkMaleIrish
17LeilaNight, symbolizing darknessFemaleArabic
18LilithOf the night, darknessFemaleHebrew
19MabuzRuler of death castle, darknessMaleArthurian Legend
20MaraDeath, associated with destructionFemaleSanskrit
21MorbidezzaSoftness, death-like, darknessFemaleItalian
22MorriganPhantom queen, associated with war and deathFemaleIrish
23MorticiaAssociated with deathFemaleLatin
24NerezzaDarkness, darkFemaleItalian
25NoirBlack, darkUnisexFrench
26NyxGoddess of the night, symbolizing darknessFemaleGreek
27OrpheusDarkness of the night, associated with the underworldMaleGreek
28PersephoneQueen of the underworld, symbolizing death and rebirthFemaleGreek
29RavenDark bird, symbolizing mystery and darknessUnisexEnglish
30RequiemMass for the dead, associated with deathUnisexLatin
31SableBlack, symbolizing darknessUnisexEnglish
32ShivaDestroyer, associated with death and rebirthMaleSanskrit
33ThanatosPersonification of death, associated with peaceful deathMaleGreek
34ThanaDeath, symbolizing the endFemaleArabic
35TodDeath, often associated with the endMaleGerman
36TwylaTwilight, symbolizing darknessFemaleEnglish
37UmbraShadow, symbolizing darknessFemaleLatin
38VesperEvening star, associated with the nightFemaleLatin
39VritraSerpent or dragon, symbolizing darkness and chaosMaleSanskrit
40YamiGoddess of death, darknessFemaleHindu
41ZillahShadow, symbolizing darknessFemaleHebrew
42AdhamDarkness, blackMaleArabic
43BlakeDark-haired, darkUnisexEnglish
44CaligoFog, darknessUnisexLatin
45DarcelDark, symbolizing darknessUnisexFrench
46DarganBlack-haired, symbolizing darknessMaleIrish
47DristiVision, often associated with darknessFemaleIndian
48EsmeDark emerald, symbolizing darknessFemalePersian
49JetBlack gemstone, symbolizing darknessUnisexEnglish
50KaliBlack, goddess of destruction and deathFemaleSanskrit
51KeiranDark, symbolizing darknessMaleIrish
52LamyaDark-lipped, symbolizing darknessFemaleArabic
53LaylaNight, symbolizing darknessFemaleArabic
54LishaDark before midnight, symbolizing darknessFemaleHindi
55MerihemPrince of pestilence and deathMaleHebrew
56MidnightMiddle of the night, symbolizing darknessUnisexEnglish
57NemesisGoddess of retribution, associated with darknessFemaleGreek
58NishaNight, symbolizing darknessFemaleSanskrit
59OnyxBlack gemstone, symbolizing darknessUnisexGreek
60OrpheusDarkness of the night, associated with the underworldMaleGreek
61OrendaGreat spirit, associated with darknessUnisexIroquois
62ShadowShade, symbolizing darknessUnisexEnglish
63TamaDeath, darknessUnisexPolynesian
64TundraFrozen land, often associated with darknessUnisexRussian
65ValdisGoddess of the dead, symbolizing deathFemaleOld Norse
66VarunaGod of the sky, associated with darknessMaleSanskrit
67WendigoEvil spirit, symbolizing darknessUnisexAlgonquian
68ZalikaBorn into darkness, symbolizing darknessFemaleSwahili
69AbaddonAngel of the abyss, symbolizing destruction and deathMaleHebrew
70AsraNight traveler, associated with darknessFemaleArabic
71ChandraMoon, often associated with nightUnisexSanskrit
72ChernobogBlack god, deity of death and darknessMaleSlavic
73DaevaEvil spirit, symbolizing darknessUnisexPersian
74DurzaDarkness, associated with evilMaleAlagaesian
75HecateGoddess of witchcraft and the nightFemaleGreek
76KeketGoddess of darkness, personification of the nightFemaleEgyptian
77LeilahNight, symbolizing darknessFemaleArabic
78LilithOf the night, darknessFemaleHebrew
79LunaMoon, often associated with the nightFemaleLatin
80MelanthiaDark flower, symbolizing darknessFemaleGreek
81MoriahGod is my teacher, often associated with darknessFemaleHebrew
82NyxGoddess of the night, symbolizing darknessFemaleGreek
83OnyxBlack gemstone, symbolizing darknessUnisexGreek
84OrpheusDarkness of the night, associated with the underworldMaleGreek
85PersephoneQueen of the underworld, symbolizing death and rebirthFemaleGreek
86QayinPossession, symbolizing darknessMaleHebrew
87RavenDark bird, symbolizing mystery and darknessUnisexEnglish
88RequiemMass for the dead, associated with deathUnisexLatin
89SableBlack, symbolizing darknessUnisexEnglish
90ShivaDestroyer, associated with death and rebirthMaleSanskrit
91TamasDarkness, associated with ignoranceMaleSanskrit
92ThanaDeath, symbolizing the endFemaleArabic
93ThanatosPersonification of death, associated with peaceful deathMaleGreek
94TodDeath, often associated with the endMaleGerman
95TwylaTwilight, symbolizing darknessFemaleEnglish
96UmbraShadow, symbolizing darknessFemaleLatin
97VesperEvening star, associated with the nightFemaleLatin
98VritraSerpent or dragon, symbolizing darkness and chaosMaleSanskrit
99YamiGoddess of death, darknessFemaleHindu
100ZillahShadow, symbolizing darknessFemaleHebrew

Although names that death might seem strange, they are frequently chosen for very personal and culturally significant reasons. They may stand for defense, acceptance, and a link to more recent or antiquated customs. Knowing the motivations behind these decisions shows the various and significant ways in which individuals relate to the idea of death.

Also see here Names That Mean Reborn and New Beginning


Q. What does the “Bela” name mean?

The “Bela” name means “White or dark, implying darkness”

Q. What does the “Raven” name mean?

The “Raven” name means “Dark bird, symbolizing mystery and darkness”

Q. Which are the most unique and stylish names that mean death?

The most unique and stylish names that mean death are:
Achlys: which means “Personification of misery and sadness, associated with the mist of death”
Bacia: which means “Family death place, symbolizing death”
Mara: which means “Death, associated with destruction”
Yami: which means “Goddess of death, darkness”

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