100 Meaningful Names That Mean Help or Helper

Looking for meaningful names? Browse 100 names that mean help or helper, each name offering a supportive and positive influence for your baby’s future.

Names that mean Help or Helper have deep and wonderful meanings. This list is perfect for choosing baby names. These names often reflect the qualities of support, care, and assistance, which also reflect a nurturing and reliable nature. These names are not just labels, but they also instill such qualities in the child that your child has a unique ability to help.

Names that mean Help” or Helper not only represent this but also many other things like teamwork and living together. This shows how many deep meanings these names have, which will be very beneficial for the child’s life.

Choosing names with meanings help or helper can be a great option, and we have prepared this list with some special names that have deep meanings for both boys and girls. You can check out this list and give your baby a helpful name. You can also check out the list of names that have similar type of meanings, like names that mean protector, names that mean sharp, and names that mean peace; we have a lot of lists of baby names with such deep meanings. You can also search for baby names on our site. For now, let’s take a look at this list of names which have the meaning of help and helper for both boys and girls.

List of 50 Names That Mean Help or Helper for Boys

S No.NameMeaningGenderOrigin
1AsherFortunate, blessed, happy, or helperBoyHebrew
2EzraHelp or helperBoyHebrew
3EliezerGod is my helperBoyHebrew
4AmalWork, labor, or helperBoyArabic
5OsirisStrong eyesight, helper of godsBoyEgyptian
6GiovanniGod is gracious, helpfulBoyItalian
7GilbertBright pledge, helperBoyGermanic
8AlanHandsome, cheerful, little rock, or helperBoyCeltic
9SamuelGod has heard, helperBoyHebrew
10ElliotThe Lord is my God, helperBoyHebrew
11RafaelGod has healed, divine helperBoyHebrew
12AbdielServant of God, God’s helperBoyHebrew
13OwenYoung warrior, well-born, or helperBoyWelsh
14JasonHealer, helperBoyGreek
15AnselGod’s protection, divine helperBoyGermanic
16AxtonFrom the ash tree town, helperBoyEnglish
17ConradBold advisor, brave helperBoyGerman
18EnzoHome ruler, helperBoyItalian
19BertramBright raven, wise helperBoyGermanic
20OscarDivine spear, God’s helperBoyIrish
21EdricRich ruler, blessed helperBoyEnglish
22GastonGuest, stranger, helperBoyFrench
23AidenLittle fire, fiery helperBoyIrish
24AlfredWise counselor, helperBoyEnglish
25GarrickSpear king, strong helperBoyGermanic
26HughHeart, mind, or spirit, helpfulBoyGermanic
27JosiahGod supports, divine helperBoyHebrew
28LiamStrong-willed warrior, protector, helperBoyIrish
29BrianNoble, strong, virtuous helperBoyIrish
30AndrewManly, brave, or helperBoyGreek
31MaximGreatest, or helperBoyLatin
32NathanielGift of God, helperBoyHebrew
33OmarFlourishing, long-lived, helperBoyArabic
34PercivalPiercing the valley, helperBoyFrench
35QuentinFifth-born, helperBoyLatin
36ReubenBehold, a son, helperBoyHebrew
37SethAppointed, placed, helperBoyHebrew
38TheoGift of God, divine helperBoyGreek
39UlricWolf power, strong helperBoyGermanic
40VictorWinner, conqueror, helperBoyLatin
41WallaceForeigner, stranger, helperBoyScottish
42XavierBright, new house, or helperBoyBasque
43YannickGod is gracious, helperBoyBreton
44ZacharyGod remembers, helperBoyHebrew
45AaronExalted, strong helperBoyHebrew
46BennettBlessed, helpfulBoyLatin
47ChristopherBearer of Christ, helperBoyGreek
48DamianTo tame, subdue, helperBoyGreek
49EthanStrong, firm, helperBoyHebrew
50FelixHappy, fortunate, helperBoyLatin
pregnancycalculators.in 50 Names That Mean Help or Helper for Boys

List of 50 Names That Mean Help or Helper for Girls

S No.NameMeaningGenderOrigin
1AidaHelper, returningGirlArabic
2AmaraGrace, kindness, helperGirlIgbo
4EleanoraLight, shining, helperGirlGreek
5GraceCharm, goodness, divine helperGirlLatin
6AlexaDefender of the people, helperGirlGreek
7JosephineGod will add, helperGirlHebrew
8NaomiPleasant, helperGirlHebrew
9GiaGod is gracious, helperGirlItalian
10SophieWisdom, helperGirlGreek
11SerenaTranquil, calm, helperGirlLatin
12AllegraJoyful, happy, helperGirlItalian
13AbigailFather’s joy, helperGirlHebrew
14EdithProsperous in war, helperGirlEnglish
15BeatrixBringer of joy, blessed helperGirlLatin
16AliceNoble, kind, helperGirlGerman
17CassiaCinnamon, helperGirlGreek
18DaphneLaurel tree, helperGirlGreek
19ElianaMy God has answered, helperGirlHebrew
20FreyaNorse goddess of love, helperGirlNorse
21GenevieveWoman of the race, helperGirlFrench
22HazelThe hazel tree, protector, helperGirlEnglish
23IslaIsland, serene helperGirlScottish
24JadePrecious stone, helperGirlSpanish
25KarinaPure, beloved, helperGirlLatin
26LaurelBay laurel plant, helperGirlLatin
27LyraLyre, musical helperGirlGreek
28MayaIllusion, water, helperGirlSanskrit
29NinaLittle girl, gracious helperGirlSpanish
30OliviaOlive tree, peaceful helperGirlLatin
31PhoebeBright, pure, helperGirlGreek
32QuinnDescendant of Conn, wise helperGirlIrish
33RuthCompanion, friend, helperGirlHebrew
34StellaStar, guiding helperGirlLatin
35TessaHarvester, helperGirlGreek
36UnaOne, lamb, helperGirlIrish
37VeraFaith, truth, helperGirlRussian
38WillowWillow tree, graceful helperGirlEnglish
39XeniaHospitality, welcoming helperGirlGreek
40YaraSmall butterfly, helperGirlArabic
41ZaraPrincess, helperGirlHebrew
42OpheliaHelp, aidGirlGreek
43MiraPeace, wonder, helperGirlSanskrit
44HelenaShining light, helperGirlGreek
45DaliaGentle, helpfulGirlHebrew
46ElsaPledged to God, helperGirlGerman
47FloraFlower, helperGirlLatin
48JocelynJoyful, happy, helperGirlFrench
49KiraSun, throne, helperGirlRussian
50LuciaLight, illuminating helperGirlLatin


Q. Which are the most trending names that mean help?

Amal: means “Work, labor, or helper”
Samuel: means “God has heard, helper”
Kira: means “Sun, throne, helper”
Karina: means “Pure, beloved, helper”

Q. What does the names that mean help or helper represents?

The names that mean help or helper represents qualities of support, care, and assistance, which also reflect a nurturing and reliable nature.

Q. Which are the most unique and stylish names that mean help or helper for boys?

The most unique and stylish names that mean help or helper for boys are:
Alan: means “Handsome, cheerful, little rock, or helper”
Jason: means “Healer, helper”
Edric: means “Rich ruler, blessed helper”
Liam: means “Strong-willed warrior, protector, helper”

Q. What does the “Omar” name mean?

The “Omar” name means “Flourishing, long-lived, helper”

Q. Which are the most unique and stylish names that mean help or helper for girls?

The most unique and stylish names that mean help or helper for girls are:
Naomi: means “Pleasant, helper”
Alexa: means “Defender of the people, helper”
Aida: means “Helper, returning”
Eliana: means “My God has answered, helper”

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